Random thoughts from the Basement.
Thoughts from the Basement
Published on January 25, 2004 By Grog In Politics
I read a large number of the Political Posts here at Joe User and I wonder to my self which side I’m on. I generally do not like Politicians they have always reminded me of some advanced form of parasite that lives off the dreams and aspirations of the common man, woman, and child. I always remember that scene in “The Hunt for Red October” where I think it was the Secretary of Defense is talking to Jack Ryan and say’s “I'm a politician, which means I'm a cheat and a liar. And when I'm not kissing babies, I'm stealing their lollipops.” whenever I watch any politician up on a stage telling me how the other politicians are doing me and this country wrong.

Some of my personal views would have me labeled as a bleeding heart liberal, while others would make Jesse Helms seem like a Democrat. Why I don’t know, I do know that I have issues with all of the current Democratic Candidates, as well as our current Commander in Chief.

Here are a couple of my views, they are mine and mine alone but they are mine so please don’t tell me that they are not right.

• Welfare – Everyone can fall on hard luck, and need a hand, and it would be wrong for us to not help our fellow man…. But, it should be a Hand Up vice a Hand Out. If it is not earned it is not appreciated. The best example that I can think of is a 16 year old kid, the one with the brand new Corvette that mom and dad bought vs. the worked for 3 summers at 7-11 beater (POS to use my son’s term) that mom and dad helped get running. Six months later or less, odds on that Corvette is on its way to the scrap heap and that beater is still chugging along. Think about it for a moment, the value of what is earned vice what is given.

• Welfare Part 2 – Single Mothers on welfare must agree to some form of birth control to remain on welfare, but in return they should get free daycare so that they can attend school and help themselves get off of welfare.

• Abortion – It is a woman’s right to control here body, obviously prior birth control would be preferable but until the fetus would be able to survive on it’s own, she should have the right to abort.

• Gun Ownership – 2 weeks, 4 weeks, six months, required wait before being able to purchase any firearm, and a mandatory State certified safety course, full background check for first purchase and a local records check for each time afterwards. The right to ownership would be lost forever due to commission of any violent crime with all owned weapons being sold to the benefit of the victim.

• Universal Service and Voting – I know that I’m going to take some heat for this one. ALL 18 year olds would be required to serve the common good for two years prior to being eligible for the right to vote or any sort of collage assistance. Service could be the Peace Corps, Americorps, the Military or any other approved organization that helps the whole of society.

• Taxes – A flat tax of 10% for Federal and 5% for State taxes with no deductions or exceptions. Everyone pays the same regardless of income level.

• Term Limits – Just like with the Presidency all public office should be for a finite period of time to prevent our Politicians from loosing touch with reality.

Well those are just a few of my views so am I a Democrat or a Republican or maybe something else. November is still a long way off and I have no Idea for whom I will vote.

Grog goes back to the Basement…..

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